2 pin j and j cord (light)
2 pin j and j cord (light)
Precio: 52,77 € ex. IVA
Codigo del articulo: CA-JJ200

Estado del stock en tiempo real: 4 disponible, 2 - 5 dias de entrega

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Type of Product: Power cable / lead
Manufacturer: Balboa
Dimensions: Length: 5 ft
Cable Spec Size: 1 mm
Commonly Used With: Older style spa systems, Balboa M3TUV, 2005LE, Elite M7, Value, Lite leader M1 series and more. Also used in Hydroquip, Brett Aqualine, Gecko etc. You will most likely find this style of connection on other electronic spa systems also.
Additional Notes: Used to make the light connection. This connection is usually positioned so that you can connect components in to the side of the control box.