PCB for Sweetwater / Portofino (1 Pump)
PCB for Sweetwater / Portofino (1 Pump)
Precio: 1.162,60 € ex. IVA
Codigo del articulo: CB-SD286

Estado del stock en tiempo real: Actualmente no disponible sin fecha de vencimiento, póngase en contacto con nosotros para más información

Agregue a la cesta:

Type of Product: PCB or Circuit Board
Manufacturer: Sweetwater/Portofino by Sundance Spas
Power: Volts: 230
Hz: 50
Compatible With: Used on and replaces codes 6600-286 and 6600-044
Dimensions: Length:
Additional Notes: This PCB can be used as a like for like replacement. This must not be fitted to any other device/product. This should be done by an experienced tradesman or a competent individual as a faulty install could result in board damage and invalidate the warranty.