LX TDA200 Pump single speed 2.0HP
LX TDA200 Pump single speed 2.0HP
Precio: 271,02 € ex. IVA
Codigo del articulo: PW-TD200

Estado del stock en tiempo real: 21 disponible, 2 - 5 dias de entrega

Agregue a la cesta:

Type of Product: Water pump / Jet pump
Manufacturer: LX
Common Power Reference: 2.0 HP
Power: Volts: 230
Hz: 50
Motor HP Low / High: 2.14
Wet End Impellor HP:
Amps Low / High Speed: 7
RPM Low / High: 2900
Capacitor: 25 uf
Plumbing Connections: 1.5 inch
Electrical Connections: Comes with plain cable attached
Dimensions: Length: 400 mm
Height: 205 mm
Depth: 175 mm
Commonly Used With : Chinese Spas, AMC Winer Spas, Trinity E-Zone, Monalisa, Cascade Spas
Additional Notes: Optional air switch, you can take the air switch out if you do not want to use it, or you can just leave it permanently on. As seen in this picture, this pump is mainly used as a booster pump but is also used as a circulation pump in some Chinese Hot Tub models.

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